Support Ashiana Old Age Home at Bangalore - Adopt Residents#

Fundraising campaign by Azhar Pasha



$ 50.00

Donated of $5,000.00


Days to go

Total Raised Fund


Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamu Alaikum WRB!
Appeal to support and adopt the residents of Ashiana Old Age Home at Bangalore#
The Rahbar Foundation has received a request from Al-Aman Educational and Welfare Trust Bangalore to support the residents of the  Ashiana Old Age Home. This "Ashiana Old Age Home" was established in 2010 under the management of Al-Aman Educational and Welfare Trust registered in 1996. This Old Age Home is taking care of elders who have been abandoned by their near and dears or do not have a blood relative to care for them in their twilight years. Currently, Ashiana Old Age Home has 48 residents (22 Male and 26 Females). The Al-Aman Trust takes care of all their needs like food, medicines, clothes, shelter, etc. till their last breath in a homely, loving, caring, and Islamic environment. The residents are treated and served here with utmost respect and kindness. Till now the Al-Aman trust was managing all expenses with local donations but due to the COVOD-19 pandemic they are not getting enough donations and it has become very difficult to manage operational expenses. There are 48 residents and for each resident, the expenses incurred per month are Rs5500. The monthly expenses breakdown is attached for your reference. Therefore, Al-Aman trust has approached the Rahbar Foundation to support and adopt these residents. The Rahbar Foundation makes a humble appeal to all of you please do adopt at least one resident with $75 monthly recurring or yearly $900 or Adopt Two residents with $150 monthly recurring or yearly $1800. Based on your budget you can adopt as many as residents you wish. The residents' list is attached for your reference. These older people are like our parents please adopt them and provide care. Insha'Allah,  Allah SWT will reward you and your family with good health and prosperity. They are eligible to receive Zakat and Sadaqah. The year 2021 is almost ending in a few days please utilize this opportunity and donate your Zakat for this good cause and get tax-exemption benefits.

Alhamdulillah, you have been supporting many Rahbar Foundation causes and we hope that the generous donors can adopt as many residents as they can or donate whatever is possible for you. The amount is not very big, but the result is life-altering. Please donate whatever you can all your donations are tax-deductible with Tax Exempt ID 47-3151781 of the Rahbar Foundation. You can also double your donation by matching with your company.

Please donate online at safe and secure Stripe/PayPal payment systems. The donation process is in 3 steps to complete and it takes a few seconds to process, so please wait till the confirmation message is displayed and redirected to our website.
Choose the option from the donation drop-down Support and Adopt the Residents of Ashiana Old Age Home at Bangalore#.
Please visit the photo gallery on our Facebook page to see our activities and accomplishments. You can also send your donation checks to the address given below.
PO BOX # 803201
Best Regards,

Azhar Pasha 



$ 50.00

Donated of $5,000.00


Days to go

Total Raised Fund




Donated $50.00 On Dec 28, 2021


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