Support Eye Cataract project as EyeSight Matters#

Fundraising campaign by Azhar Pasha



$ 379.56

Donated of $5,000.00

Total Raised Fund


$500.00 Raised Offline

Total : $879.56

Dear Brothers and sisters
Assalamu Alaikum WRB!

Appeal to Support Eye Cataract Project in India #EyeSightMatters
Why EyeSight matters! Preventable blindness creates unnecessary hardships for thousands worldwide, including enormous financial burdens as their inability to see prevents them from working to support themselves and their families. People with vision impairments also experience higher rates of violence and abuse, and their family members are more likely to experience anxiety and depression.
The Messenger (PBUH) said: Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter.” (Sahih Muslim) 
The Rahbar Foundation has been changing the lives through "EYE CATARACT PROJECT" and restoring the eyesight of hundreds of vulnerable people. Help us to provide 200 cataract surgeries to prevent and reverse blindness. Each Eye cataract surgery will cost $100 only. You can support one person with $100, five people with $500, 10 people with $1000 or you can support many more people. You can donate your Zakat and Sadaqah to this noble cause. Insha'Allah with your help, we will be able to assist men and women in regaining their sight, minimizing their risk of developing blindness and rebuilding their confidence.
Alhamdulillah, the Rahbar Foundation has recently performed 50 successful cataract surgeries in Aligarh, 50 in Lucknow, 50 in Shamli, 50 in Muzaffarnagar, 50 in Bhopal  and 100 in Kolkata. There is a huge need from many different cities, and Insha'Allah with your support and donations we can fulfill these needs. Let's work together as a team to support these vulnerable people to restore their eyesight. We thank all those who have supported this project and we encourage all of you to be part of this noble cause.
Alhamdulillah, you have been supporting many Rahbar Foundation causes and we hope your generous contributions can support the EYE CATARACT PROJECT to help give the gift of eyesight. Although the donations we ask for are not very big, their impacts are significant and life-altering. All donations are tax-deductible with Tax Exempt ID 47-3151781 of the Rahbar Foundation. You can also double your donation by matching with your company.
Please donate online at safe and secure Stripe/PayPal payment systems. The donation process includes 3 short steps to complete and takes a few seconds to process, so please wait till the confirmation message is displayed and redirected to our website.
Choose the option from the donation drop-down “Support Eye Cataract project as EyeSight Matters”.
Please visit the photo gallery on our Facebook page to see our activities and accomplishments. You can also send your donation checks to the address given below.
PO BOX # 803201
Best Regards,
Azhar Pasha



$ 379.56

Donated of $5,000.00

Total Raised Fund


$500.00 Raised Offline

Total : $879.56



Donated $102.56 On Jun 08, 2024



Donated $27.00 On May 02, 2022


Mohammad Saud Khan

Donated $200.00 On Apr 21, 2022



Donated $50.00 On Feb 06, 2022


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